My first week in Denmark...
I've been staying in Billund this week, at a place called Gravhøven, which is impossible to pronounce and apparently means "tomb" in English. I have a bedroom/bath in a 4 room dorm (sharing a living room and kitchen). Right now, there are only 3 of us living there, a guy from LEGO in Enfield, CT and someone who works for Avis.
This week-end, I went to
Kolding to look at an apartment and check out the city. It's about 40 K from Billund and it has a castle that's about 700 years old. I’ve decided to take the apartment and I may be able to move in next week... my furniture won’t show up until the end of April, but I wouldn't be in the "tomb" anymore...
Saturday night, Sanne took me out in Vejle with lots of other LEGO was so much fun that I only remembered that I had my camera for one picture...